Monday, September 5, 2011

Rain Plays Barefoot by Jennifer Steen

Kiki's Rating:  5 stars

***Spoiler Alert***
As I have said before, Jennifer Steen is the short story goddess!!  She once again pulls you into the the life of her main character.  You quickly become invested in the small twists and turns in the peek she gives you.  This time Steen takes us back to middle school and what it was like to have that first crush.  I was so taken back, and loved every minute of it.

Rain is not your typical tween.  Not that she is weird, but she's not really on the same page as her fellow classmates. As her best friend, Jacey, and the other girls her age primp and poof themselves in hopes to catch some young man's attention, Rain would rather skip it all and just hang with the boys.  She feels very comfortable in her own skin and feels no need to primp for attention.  Not that she doesn't care what others think, but feels she has to do what she is most comfortable with.  Most of the time that's on the basketball court with James or in band on the drum line with the rest of the guys.  But there is a point where all Jacey's talk of boys and her current pubescent emotions get the best of her and she develops her first crush.  Rain ends up conflicted and changing her ways to fit the ideals of a boy.

I refuse to tell any more of this delightful short story and encourage you to read.  I will say I love, love the ending.  It is perfect and sends the message I would want my child to see.  Always stay true to yourself.  If people don't love you just the way you are, then they aren't the people for you!!


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