Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just For Giggles

Jules and I have decided to add a little more fun to our blog.  We know we are not as big as some of the other bloggers out there, but some day...ha ha.  We have decided to let you all in a little into our twisted minds.  Really people, you have no idea how crazy we can get over a book or the characters we read.  Our husbands love to poke fun at how we get caught up in and story then we can go on and on...  So we are going to try in between reviews to give you all something more to talk about.  You never know where our topics may lead, heck we don't even know sometimes.  So here's hoping you enjoy!!

There are three topics on the agenda today just to get you all caught up on our ever racing minds.  I will post one here and now, one in a separate post, and check out the last little tidbit in our "This -n- That".

First on the docket:  
Hot New Releases

Jules and I are frantic with the upcoming releases of some of our favorite series.  We are on overload reading the authors' blogs for teasers.  If we read another Cassandra Clare teaser about the Clockwork Prince we are going to explode.  Really, I don't think we can make it until DECEMBER.  It is too cruel!!  We did put it on pre-order and of course we entered the giveaway on Goodreads.  At least H.P. Mallory will be releasing her next book in the Dulcie series Great Hexpectations on Halloween!!  Hope you all had the chance to play her question and answer game on FB for prizes.  Crossing my fingers that I get picked for at least one of the items (the tee-shirt please).  Even before that we have Rose Pressey's Ghouls Night Out which comes out September 26th.  This is book 2 in fantastic Larue Donavan series.  We also can't wait for the Iron Knight from the Iron Fey series.  This appears to be the final installment to this series and should be going out with a bang!!  Ash and Puck working together...we may implode from anticipation.  As we look further down the line into early next year we hope to be seeing A Demon Does It Better, Undercover Demon both by Linda Wisdom and How to Date a Vampire by Rose Pressey.

What is a girl to do while she waits?  Do what we do, re-read your favorites!!  For September, Jules and I will be re-reading the Jolie series from H.P. Mallory.  No worries we will review it for you all, but we need a refresher.  For October, in anticipation of the Halloween release, we will be re-reading the Dulcie series also by H.P. Mallory.  Thank goodness H.P. is such a talented writer that you can read and re-read her books with such enjoyment.  Otherwise Jules and I may never survive the wait!!

Happy Reading!!
~Kiki & Jules

P.S. - Remember to check out "This-n-That" to see what else we are doing to bide our time!!

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